Well hi, y'all

This website is dedicated to publishing scurrilous material
on the subject of, well, you've probably guessed it ...

Be warned: they are lewd and crude - appropriately so.

Thinking about it, this site is the opposite of a labor of love -
it's my contribution to the 2024 war effort: the one between reason and treason.
Anything I can do to ridicule the apricot bigot will be effort well spent.

The Ten Commandments

You shall have no other Gods before Me After you
You shall not take My name in vain Fauci said bleach wouldn't work either
You shall not make graven images
Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy Eighteen, usually
Honour your mother and father

Family Mausoleum with Floral Tribute

You shall not murder Not bad, apart from Covid obviously
You shall not commit adultery I'm not an adult
You shall not steal Quite hard this, isn't it?
You shall not bear false witness I've never told a lie in my life
You shall not covet your neighbour's goods I'll come back to that one later
☣ trumpthat.monster

Trump Hotels

Trump Turnberry

Imbued with Scottish
warmth and hospitality
☣ trumpthat.monster

Is it Christmas yet?

	Rudolf the brown-nosed lawyer
	Went everywhere that Donald went
	Eating orange carrots
	Even if they were bent
	All the other lawyers
	used to call him names
	They wouldn't let poor Rudy
	join their little games
	Ever since Four Seasons,
	Rudy's credit's spent.
	There are many reasons,
	like the hair dye incident

	Then there was his shirttail,
	What a tale that was 
	When he tried to tuck it in
	fiddling with his balls
	Things have gone down badly
	Since his glory days
	He's been finding sadly
	Just what Donald pays
	He's on a downward spiral
	Under appeal of course
	Any appeal he has left
	Should hightail it on a horse.
	He could try out laundry
	The silly old galoot
	And have a go at pressing
	a different legal suit
	Now he's declared bankrupt
	He's burned through all his dough
	A common end for lawyers
	who join the Donald show
	He forgot what happened
	to Coh(e)ns Roy and M.
	Donald's main defenders
	From government mayhem
	Soon he's off to Georgia
	to Fulton County Court
	But at the nearby prison
	He might just hang his coat
	Whatever happens in Fulton
	There's little doubt for me
	Because of Trump's employment
	He'll go down in Infamy

Time for some action ...

	Have you heard of E Jean Carroll?
	I caught her looking at ladies' apparel
	What a price - don't discuss it:
	when I fingered the silky gusset

Not for him though.

	Dad, what's going on in Vietnam?
	I hear we're spraying napalm
	The guys from school
	are really cool
	signing up for Uncle Sam
	Jesus Don, my feckless spawn
	You wouldn't last ten minutes
	Before too long the Viet Cong
	would have you Ho Chi Minnowed
	I need you here, you little tit
	Your siblings just don't listen.
	You're clueless too, but at least you do
	know when to stop your bitchin'.
	I know a podiatrist over in Queens
	He rents his office from me
	If I squeeze his jumping beans
	He'll find an anatomical anomaly
	Anyway you're not American
	Mom's a Scot and I'm a German
	It's not our fight and we Trumps fancy
	U.S. rules are just for pansies
	Gee thanks Dad, that's awfully good
	I do like this neighbourhood
	When my exemption's all arranged
	I'll show the girls my Agent Orange.

Played, Maid, Laid, Paid, Betrayed (NSFW; Offensive)

	The Duke a l'Orange sat alone, fretting on his naugahyde throne
	As Duchess Mel dropped a large fruit of her own
	How unkind of his wife, to be out of his life
	When he needed her to work his bone

	He guzzled down his big mac and coke,
	Went off to have a gold-plated soak,
	Pink, orange and bare, with Yeti-like hair
	He gave the toadstool a tentative poke

	When nothing got harder, he remembered Nevada;
	a pro-am he was supposed to be in
	He called Trump Force One, the son of a gun
	And went off to polish his ardour

	He shot ninety-four round Lake Tahoe's shore
	Which did nothing to brighten his humours
	For a golfer of note, he played like a goat
	and didn't cheat once, despite rumours

	It was a sad dinner: he'd been a loser
	Not even drunk: he's not a boozer
	Then shimmering above his Coke,
	Blowing away the cigar smoke
	A storming young lalapalooza!

	Call me Donnie - Oh you're so bonnie!
	A porn star?  I can't believe it.
	Maybe you could let me see it?
	I make films, don't you know,
	Have you seen my Apprentice show?
	We'll get you on, sometime soon
	Maybe April, let's do June

	You've got a friend?  What's her name?
	How old is she?  Dirty too?
	Oh, she's busy - that's a shame
	We could have played my favourite game

	Come right up and see my suite
	Would you like a bite to eat?
	I have a tasty mushroom treat.
	Nip in there and have a widdle
	I'll just have a tiny twiddle
	Don't leave germs on the seat

	Come and see my New York Knicks
	I like to wear them for the chicks
	I have my balls in little baskets,
	Gold-plated - need you ask it?
	Bergdorf Goodman made me two
	Maybe I could make you too?

	I didn't bring my usual virago,
	She's gone down to Mar-a-Lago
	So, come unleash your puppy spaniels,
	You lovely young Miss Stormy Daniels

	She rolled her eyes, watched more TV
	And thought of wonders yet to come
	They did not, and nor did she
	Just the great big orange bum

	A lady might have expectation
	of minor thrills and palpitation,
	Or possibly depravity
	at a favoured cavity
	Anyway on this occasion,
	what she got was beached cetacean

	He wobbled his wick, very quick,
	and said, "I've got to thank you.
	You're awfully like, you little tike,
	My darling girl Ivanka"

	Five years went by, then DJT
	first tried for the Presidency.
	That's the time when Stormy D.
	said "Holy Fuck, you're kidding me!"

	This old Baron went out laying
	when his wife went laying out Barron
	Should that old count lead the nation?
	He can't even manage penetration

	I'm going to speak to a magazine
	That'll surely get me seen.
	It should also bring emolument
	for climbing that old monument

	The interview was quickly planned
	but shortly after that got canned:
	A nasty sod in a parking lot,
	Then Michael Cohen cheque in hand

	The Duke was less frugal with Karen McDougall,
	but still it was small change for him
	But when he paid Cohen the cash he was owing
	That's when he turned into a crim.

	Because you see, for the Presidency
	You've got to account for expenditure
	But the Orange Duke, the big palooka
	Disguised the cash he presented her.

	If he'd only kept the trouser snake
	back in old Manhattan
	It's more than likely none of this
	would have ever come to happen
	It's gone to court: a brief report -
	On each count guilty: no recounts -
	He lied about his election accounts.
	The jury found Cohen more reliable
	Embarrassment most undeniable!
	The Republicans all came to watch
	showed their face, ticked the box
	then ran from the inexpiable.

	The old Duke shows no penitence
	But he hasn't yet had the senitence
	Will Judge Merchan set him free
	Or throw away the prison key?

	Who can know?  There's surely much
	To add to this miscellany
	But one thing's true: he knows it too,
	He's now been done for felony.

	He must now win the next election
	To avoid a spot of penal detention
	If he got to be the President
	He surely couldn't be a resident
	Though scrubs would suit his complexion

	He's working hard for Christian votes
	Although they don't like wandering goats
	Get your bibles for sixty bucks
	He doesn't give two Donald Ducks
	He don't believe in batshit, folks

	Gold-plated boots are available too
	Should you like a tasteful shoe
	All these pairs of costly trainers
	Nicely priced for rich no-brainers
	eBay's got them on aisle two
	On eBay though, you wouldn't get
	The gorgeous gold Trump trinket
	A superhero keyring charm
	Captain Maga, with bonus smarm
	Sadly not for you, cheapskate.
	Well that's taken half the night
	and most of my eighty proof delight
	I'm off to do some proper work
	And leave the great big orange dork
	I really have to stop at last,
	this totally addictive blast.
	If you have enjoyed it too
	Don't thank me: vote Blue!

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